Sculpture (MFA)

Program Overview

The sculpture program offers students the opportunity to develop their work in a supportive environment consisting of critical feedback in a broad array of diverse voices. The field of sculpture includes a varied collection of working methods and outcomes—one set of tools is not privileged over another—creating a healthy and experimental program that mirrors the issues facing artists outside of the institution. Students work independently in individual studio spaces and have access to common areas for the critique of their work. 36 Edgewood houses the sculpture program and has a woodworking shop, a metal shop, and a computer lab, while additional resources are offered by the School of Art and the University at large. No metal-casting or ceramic facilities are available.

The main focus of this program is to facilitate the development of conversation and constructive critique among students and faculty. Our aim is to articulate student work vis-à-vis its own trajectory and in relation to art history and the current moment. This conversation is formally structured to take place one-on-one between students and faculty, in small groups, and within a larger group involving the whole sculpture department.

Approximately ten students are admitted each year.

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42 credits in area of concentration, including ART 949a, and 18 additional credits, including a minimum of 6 academic credits in courses outside the School of Art.

  • First year minimum credits
  • ART 645, Individual Criticism:… Fall: 6; Spring: 6
  • ART 630, Studio Seminar:… Fall: 3; Spring: 3
  • Sculpture Elective:… Fall: 0; Spring: 3
  • ART 949a, Critical Practice:… Fall: 3; Spring: 0
  • Academic or Studio Electives:.. Fall: 3; Spring: 3
  • Total minimum credits for Fall Term: 15
  • Total minimum credits for Spring Term: 15
  • Second year minimum credits
  • ART 630, Studio Seminar:… Fall: 3; Spring: 3
  • Academic or Studio Electives:… Fall: 6; Spring: 6
  • Total minimum credits for Fall Term: 15
  • Total minimum credits for Spring Term: 15